Podcast Feature: Disability in the Newcomer Community

Canada’s newcomer community continues to grow, with 431,645 new permanent residents arriving in 2022 — the largest number in Canadian history. Immigrants come from a wide range of countries, bringing diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and religious heritages. These backgrounds shape many aspects of life in Canada, including perceptions of disability and inclusion.

In the latest episode of Ontario Disability Employment Network’s (ODEN) podcast, You Can’t Spell Inclusion Without a D, our National Director, Raihanna Hirji-Khalfan, joined our founder, Rabia Khedr, CEO of DEEN Support Services, to explore the intersection of disability and newcomer communities.

Together, they explored these questions:

  • How do immigrants’ cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and religious heritages shape their perceptions of disability?

  • How inclusive are newcomer communities toward individuals with disabilities?

  • What challenges do newcomers with disabilities face in Canada?

This thoughtful discussion wraps up ODEN’s three-part series on Intersectionality and season five of "You Can’t Spell Inclusion Without a D".

Listen now to hear insights from our National Director and learn how we are working to support newcomers with disabilities.


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